Promote your business or your favorite Southside student while helping Southside in its newest mission to transform our courtyard into an amazing outdoor learning space and performance center, all while continuing its many other amazing programs that make our school so special.
Your 4 x 6ft banner will be displayed for 8 weeks on the school fence along Webber St. or Osprey St. from February 28th, 2025 to Friday April 11th, 2025.
Thank you from the PTO and the Jog-a-thon 2025 Committee!
2025 Jogathon Banner
Please contact Jerry Burnett of Signs2Go at (941) 355-0020 or email your design to: and mention “Southside Jog-A-Thon” to get the discounted price of $84.
We will store your banner for you for next year, or you can take home and use for other advertising or promotional purposes.